> Gitee 仓库地址:
> 本次安装环境是 Windows 虚拟机 CentOS7 > lnpm.org 官方安装教程请参考:https://lnmp.org/install.html > Web环境要求: `MySql 5.7+`,`Nginx 1.10+`,`PHP >= 7.2.5` > 解除禁用函数 `proc_open`,`symlink`,`proc_get_status` - 下载并解压 lnmp 安装包 ``` cd /usr/local/src wget http://soft.vpser.net/lnmp/lnmp1.8.tar.gz -cO lnmp1.8.tar.gz tar zxf lnmp1.8.tar.gz cd lnmp1.8 ``` - 执行 shell 安装脚本 ``` ./install.sh lnmp ``` - 安装 mysql ``` You have 11 options for your DataBase install. 1: Install MySQL 5.1.73 2: Install MySQL 5.5.62 (Default) 3: Install MySQL 5.6.51 4: Install MySQL 5.7.34 5: Install MySQL 8.0.25 6: Install MariaDB 5.5.68 7: Install MariaDB 10.1.48 8: Install MariaDB 10.2.38 9: Install MariaDB 10.3.29 10: Install MariaDB 10.4.19 0: DO NOT Install MySQL/MariaDB Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 0): 4 You will install MySQL 5.7.34 =========================== Please setup root password of MySQL. Please enter: 123456 ``` 选择4(安装 Mysql 5.7.34) 设置mysql密码:123456 - 启用 Mysql InnoDB 存储引擎 ``` Do you want to enable or disable the InnoDB Storage Engine? Default enable,Enter your choice [Y/n]: ``` 选择 Y,启用 - 安装 php ``` You have 9 options for your PHP install. 1: Install PHP 5.2.17 2: Install PHP 5.3.29 3: Install PHP 5.4.45 4: Install PHP 5.5.38 5: Install PHP 5.6.40 (Default) 6: Install PHP 7.0.33 7: Install PHP 7.1.33 8: Install PHP 7.2.34 9: Install PHP 7.3.29 10: Install PHP 7.4.21 11: Install PHP 8.0.8 Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11): 9 ``` 选择9,Install PHP 7.3.29 - 安装内存分配器 ``` 1: Don't install Memory Allocator. (Default) 2: Install Jemalloc 3: Install TCMalloc Enter your choice (1, 2 or 3): 1 ``` 选择 1,不安装 - 回车进行安装 ``` Press any key to install...or Press Ctrl+c to cancel ``` 安装时长取决于机器性能,本虚拟机配置为4核4G内存,安装时长大约15分钟。 - 运行环境安装成功后检查端口(80,3306)是否正常启动 ``` netstat -lpnt ``` 输出 ``` Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 75582/nginx: master tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1073/sshd tcp6 0 0 :::3306 :::* LISTEN 76156/mysqld tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 1073/sshd ``` - 或者浏览器直接访问 ip 地址 ``` 恭喜您,LNMP一键安装包安装成功! ``` - 解除 PHP 禁用函数 删除禁用函数:`proc_open`,`symlink`,`proc_get_status` ``` vi /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini ``` 修改为: ``` disable_functions = passthru,exec,system,chroot,chgrp,chown,shell_exec,popen,ini_alter,ini_restore,dl,openlog,syslog,readlink,popepassthru,stream_socket_server ``` - 解除 NGINX open_basedir 限制 找到文件 /usr/local/nginx/conf/fastcgi.conf,注释以下: ``` #fastcgi_param PHP_ADMIN_VALUE "open_basedir=$document_root/:/tmp/:/proc/"; ``` - 重启服务 ``` lnmp restart ``` --------------------------- ### 下面开始下载并安装 strongshop - 创建目录 ``` mkdir -p /www/wwwroot cd /www/wwwroot ``` - 下载项目 - 通过 Git 克隆 ``` #安装 git yum install git #安装 compsoer yum install composer #设置 composer 使用阿里云 composer 镜像 composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://mirrors.aliyun.com/composer/ #克隆项目 git clone https://gitee.com/openstrong/strongshop.git #进入项目目录 cd strongshop #安装 composer 包 composer install ``` > Tip > composer 包安装完毕后,检查 strongshop/vendor 目录,如果存在说明包安装成功,否则项目无法运行 - 下载完整安装包(如果无法通过git完成下载和安装,可以使用此方式)
- 修改项目目录权限 ``` chmod 777 -R /www/wwwroot/strongshop/bootstrap chmod 777 -R /www/wwwroot/strongshop/storage ``` - 创建站点 ``` [root@192 strongshop]# lnmp vhost add +-------------------------------------------+ | Manager for LNMP, Written by Licess | +-------------------------------------------+ | https://lnmp.org | +-------------------------------------------+ Please enter domain(example: www.lnmp.org): www.strongshop.test Your domain: www.strongshop.test Enter more domain name(example: lnmp.org *.lnmp.org): Please enter the directory for the domain: www.strongshop.test Default directory: /home/wwwroot/www.strongshop.test: /www/wwwroot/strongshop/public Virtual Host Directory: /www/wwwroot/strongshop/public Allow Rewrite rule? (y/n) y Please enter the rewrite of programme, wordpress,discuzx,typecho,thinkphp,laravel,codeigniter,yii2 rewrite was exist. (Default rewrite: other): laravel You choose rewrite: laravel Enable PHP Pathinfo? (y/n) y Enable pathinfo. Allow access log? (y/n) y Enter access log filename(Default:www.strongshop.test.log): You access log filename: www.strongshop.test.log Create database and MySQL user with same name (y/n) Add SSL Certificate (y/n) n Press any key to start create virtul host... Create Virtul Host directory...... set permissions of Virtual Host directory...... You select the exist rewrite rule:/usr/local/nginx/conf/rewrite/laravel.conf Test Nginx configure file...... nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful Reload Nginx...... Reload service php-fpm done ================================================ Virtualhost infomation: Your domain: www.strongshop.test Home Directory: /www/wwwroot/strongshop/public Rewrite: laravel Enable log: yes Create database: no Create ftp account: no ================================================ ``` - 删除文件 `.user.ini` ``` cd /www/wwwroot/strongshop/public chattr -i .user.ini rm -f .user.ini ``` - 进入安装页面 http://www.strongshop.local/install
> Tip > 如果无法安装成功,请尝试
- 安装成功 1. 访问站点首页 http://www.strongshop.test 2. 访问站点后台 http://www.strongshop.test/admin/home
超级管理员:`admin` 密码:`123456` - 配置计划任务(建议一定要配置此项,否则会产生日志爆满问题) 请查看 文档 - 功能&配置 - 计划任务